Friday, July 28, 2006
Tagged on weird things
Ok, Gwen, I'm tagged (again)! I can't think of any weird things, siguro eto na lang...
1. I cry when I watch Jennifer Aniston cry on her movies. I don't know...she just makes me cry!!!
2. When I start drinking, I want to feel that I'm drunk. I can't have 2 bottles because that will lead to 2 buckets. Exagg yung 2 buckets, pero I want to feel that "high".
3. After a night of drinking, I want to eat and I can't get enough of it. I'm craving for food!!!
4. When I want to eat junk, I crave for salty then sweets or cheesy. If I start with sweets or cheesy, I will look for something salty. It's never ending.
5. I can watch reruns even if I watched them already.
6. I turn on the tv even if I'm not gonna watch. I just want to hear it on while I'm doing chores or on my computer.
7. I buy books but I don't get to read or finish them.
8. I snooze for an hour or so! That's when I'm just going to work otherwise, gising ako agad. Hahaha!
may isa pa ako... I get easily irritated! And I can't hide it! But I can also easily overcome it! Or maybe not! Is that weird? Or insanity! Hahaha! Mag-reply ka, Gwen!!! Hahaha!
posted @ 11:20 PM
Thursday, July 27, 2006
One bag Saves 3 lives
Today, I fulfilled one of my wishes - to be able to donate my blood. It's been a long-time coming. I've been thinking of doing this since time memorial but couldn't have enough courage or was too busy with work. Fortunately, our company is supporting a blood drive this month, allowing employees to donate blood during company hours. It's good because I'm not that busy, I'm still scared or nervous, but I know I could overcome the fear.
I went there 10 mins earlier than my scheduled appointment which was 9:30am. The lady asked me a few questions and she asked if it was my first time. I said yes, and she gave this sticker which says, 'First time blood donor' and she smiled. She gave me this questionnaire which I need to fill-out. I know there will be questions relating to HIV, but I got interested reading a question on man-to-man sexual intercourse (male donors) or for female donors - having sex with a man who has ever had sex with another man.
(So these people have high risks of not being able to donate blood or can't be donors at all? hmmm ...interesting).Anyhoo, when I finished filling out the form, a very nice woman named Wilma led me to a cubicle and reviewed my answers. I thought it's gonna be fast but we took a long time on this particular item on the form - Have you been outside US? She asked me which provinces or places I visited in the Philippines. And she verified if those places are areas of risk for malaria. I was telling myself that I hope this will not prevent me from donating blood. And I felt relieved when Wilma said we're ok. Her knowing that it's my first time, she said for me to relax and not get too nervous and that they will take care of me. She was so nice. First, she placed this temperature strip under my tongue, checked my pulse, blood pressure and then punctured my middle finger to get my blood count. After that, she came back with 3 bags (that I thought I will fill-up all those, but just 1), she smiled and asked, Are you ready? "Yes! Let's do this."
Behind those stalls or cubes, were 8 cots, almost fully-occupied. But good thing there's still a vacant one coz I didn't want to wait and watch people. I sat first on the cot and a woman named Belinda smiled at me looking at my first donor sticker. She asked, How am I, I said and smiled, 'Ok...' She said, 'Don't worry it will just be fast. It won't feel that bad.' I know I can tolerate pain. It's just may be the sight of blood flowing out from my body that makes me nervous. She gave me this squeeze bar (like a stress ball shaped like a bar) and tighten a wrapping on my left arm first. She told me to squeeze it for her to identify the veins. And then repeated the procedure on my right arm. Eventually, my right arm was stronger thus producing larger veins for her to insert the needle. She told me to lie down, she cleaned the area where the needle will be inserted and then she inserted the needle. My blood is now flowing out from my body into one of those bags (and it doesn't really hurt). And then she told me, 'One bag saves 3 lives.'

After the bag has been filled, she took out the needle, put a cotton and asked me to hold my arm up for a short while. She then put a wrapping to cover and put pressure on my arm. Belinda told me to lie down still for a few more minutes. She even gave me an orange juice. After I think 10 mins, I was ready to sit up and she led me to the rest / canteen area. Someone also offered me a juice, I was a bit shy because I want to get it myself but they were too kind to get it for me. She also gave me cookies.

My appointment was 15 mins and it took me an hour and 15. It was a very fulfilling experience. I think I will do it again after 8 weeks.
posted @ 5:52 PM
Sunday, July 23, 2006
My 41K mark
I bought my very first car here in US with an almost 40,800 mileage. I use it everyday to go to work - 1 mile each way and on weekends and such for groceries and church. And now, I reached my 41K mark going to Kentucky.
Saturday was my first "long-drive" weekend. After registering our cars in DMV, we
drove 50 miles (like an hour) to Newport, Kentucky. And from Kentucky, we drove 76 miles (almost 1.5 hours) to Serpent Mound and then from there we tried to go to 7 caves but when we got there, it was already closed so we headed back home. So maybe another 100 miles from Serpent mound to 7 caves and back home.
(Well, having a bottle of beer helped me stay alert. Shhh...)
posted @ 10:40 PM
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Away from home
Tonight, we were invited to a despedida dinner of one of our Pinoy friends who stays just near our neighborhood. She's going back to our home sweet home from a 6-month stint here in Ohio. She's gonna leave her husband, temporarily (and geographically), who has an H1b visa but will come back in November. I couldn't help but think of how long-distance relationships work as well as living away from your family.
Being alone in a foreign land is not an easy thing. But knowing myself and base from experience, I can easily adapt to a new environment and I can also easily think of things that would 'entertain' me. Loneliness or sadness really depends on each individual. Surviving is difficult. As what they say in theme parks, 'Ride at your own risk....not for a weak heart...', is the same as living in a foreign land. If you're not decided - emotionally, heartfully and soulfully, then don't. Make sure to think of all the consequences over and over again. After all, this is your dream so make it happen, be strong! If you can't take or stand living away from your boyfriend, then either break up with him, or get married and go with him or follow as soon as you can (before he/she changes his/her mind).
Why do we leave our homeland? Despite leaving our family, our friends, our career... Those of us who leave our homeland or the "goose that lays golden eggs" to work and pursue our dreams is one of the most difficult occupations. Imagine, leaving everything behind but your values, talents, traditions, memories and hope that everything will work out as you've planned.
All pictures from
posted @ 9:41 PM
Stop and Start
I got this email from an old friend. Well, actually, he regularly sends these Thoughts of the day by Ralph Marston emails. At first, I ignored them, clicked them away to the trash. But one time, I got curious. Later on, I found myself reading them as if they're like my horoscopes for the day. I even created a Thoughts folder, so they go there and not to Trash anymore.
Anyhow, there's one thought of the day which I received just this Monday. It's about Stop and Start. Here it goes...
Stop making life so difficult and complicated by being afraid to fully live it. Start spending more time as the person you truly are.
Stop building elaborate scenarios in your mind about what might or might not happen. Start giving your focus and energy to making the most of the moment you're in.
Stop wishing that things had been different. Start seeing the real, positive value and experience you've gained from where you've been.
Stop being so obsessed by the things you don't have and constantly distracted by your desire for more. Start to fully appreciate your blessings and to enjoy the true abundance of always having enough.
Stop worrying and fretting over what others may think. Start confidently offering your own special values, gifts and perspectives to life.
Stop wasting your time wondering about what could have been. And start to discover for yourself the incredible wonders of what can be.And so I decide detailing and tailoring Ralph's Stop and Start to suit me.
Stop worrying too much about my immediate future, what my next project will be, where it will be, what my next work task will be, will I still have enough money. Start spending more time in researching and going to new places, exercising, reading books, trying out new recipes, doing household chores, playing outdoors with friends and neighbors, seeking out friends old and new, visit relatives.
Stop looking back and regretting. Start seeing what I have learned and how will I apply them on my present and future.
Stop being obsessed with material things that I don't have. Start counting my blessings, enjoy the true abundance of always having enough AND invest, invest, invest!
This I have to copy...Stop worrying and fretting over what others may think. Start confidently offering your own special values, gifts and perspectives to life. Every person has their own opinion. Every person has their own limitations. I am not a supernatural being who is capable of pleasing everybody. I am what I am. Start having the courage to give myself, for the goodness that I give will come back over and over again.
And this too...Stop wasting your time wondering about what could have been. And start to discover for myself the incredible wonders of what CAN be. Stop thinking of past relationships, life's what if's, "I could've-would've-should've"sss. Now is the time to take the steering wheel and drive my journey!Would you also like to create your Stop and Start? It's a good exercise.
posted @ 5:35 PM
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Life begins at 30
Yes, at some point, we have to admit that we are not getting any younger no matter how hard we try to stop the clock. Isn't it funny sometimes we think that when we were younger, we want to get older and now we are older, we want to go back to those days when we were younger.
When I was in early 20's, I was too caught up in living conservatively or traditionally. It's like I was living inside my cocoon, being controlled by mother nature. Later on, I was trying hard to control the time because I thought I was losing time and opportunities. I found myself doing things I never did when I was younger, because I hadn't had the courage or self-esteem or was too scared what others will think. I found myself going to a bar, eating in a restaurant or going to movies alone. When before, I would think everyone will be staring at me condescendingly. Then I realize nobody really cares who I am, or why I am alone, or how I'm dressed. And even if they do, it doesn't change anything on who I am. You just realized, there are more important things in the world and wished you had the maturity and experience back then.
Yes, life's more fun if you're thirty something...which is btw, what most women are saying according to a poll in UK. They are happier being a better mom, a better girlfriend or wife, a better friend, or a better career woman.
Rather than the big 3-0 being something that most people dread, over half of UK women (51%) in their twenties revealed that they can't wait to reach 30: and those who have passed the milestone are definitely more satisfied with their lives, the poll discovered.Let the party begin...
posted @ 9:17 PM
Friday, July 28, 2006
Tagged on weird things
Ok, Gwen, I'm tagged (again)! I can't think of any weird things, siguro eto na lang...
1. I cry when I watch Jennifer Aniston cry on her movies. I don't know...she just makes me cry!!!
2. When I start drinking, I want to feel that I'm drunk. I can't have 2 bottles because that will lead to 2 buckets. Exagg yung 2 buckets, pero I want to feel that "high".
3. After a night of drinking, I want to eat and I can't get enough of it. I'm craving for food!!!
4. When I want to eat junk, I crave for salty then sweets or cheesy. If I start with sweets or cheesy, I will look for something salty. It's never ending.
5. I can watch reruns even if I watched them already.
6. I turn on the tv even if I'm not gonna watch. I just want to hear it on while I'm doing chores or on my computer.
7. I buy books but I don't get to read or finish them.
8. I snooze for an hour or so! That's when I'm just going to work otherwise, gising ako agad. Hahaha!
may isa pa ako... I get easily irritated! And I can't hide it! But I can also easily overcome it! Or maybe not! Is that weird? Or insanity! Hahaha! Mag-reply ka, Gwen!!! Hahaha!
posted @ 11:20 PM
Thursday, July 27, 2006
One bag Saves 3 lives
Today, I fulfilled one of my wishes - to be able to donate my blood. It's been a long-time coming. I've been thinking of doing this since time memorial but couldn't have enough courage or was too busy with work. Fortunately, our company is supporting a blood drive this month, allowing employees to donate blood during company hours. It's good because I'm not that busy, I'm still scared or nervous, but I know I could overcome the fear.
I went there 10 mins earlier than my scheduled appointment which was 9:30am. The lady asked me a few questions and she asked if it was my first time. I said yes, and she gave this sticker which says, 'First time blood donor' and she smiled. She gave me this questionnaire which I need to fill-out. I know there will be questions relating to HIV, but I got interested reading a question on man-to-man sexual intercourse (male donors) or for female donors - having sex with a man who has ever had sex with another man.
(So these people have high risks of not being able to donate blood or can't be donors at all? hmmm ...interesting).Anyhoo, when I finished filling out the form, a very nice woman named Wilma led me to a cubicle and reviewed my answers. I thought it's gonna be fast but we took a long time on this particular item on the form - Have you been outside US? She asked me which provinces or places I visited in the Philippines. And she verified if those places are areas of risk for malaria. I was telling myself that I hope this will not prevent me from donating blood. And I felt relieved when Wilma said we're ok. Her knowing that it's my first time, she said for me to relax and not get too nervous and that they will take care of me. She was so nice. First, she placed this temperature strip under my tongue, checked my pulse, blood pressure and then punctured my middle finger to get my blood count. After that, she came back with 3 bags (that I thought I will fill-up all those, but just 1), she smiled and asked, Are you ready? "Yes! Let's do this."
Behind those stalls or cubes, were 8 cots, almost fully-occupied. But good thing there's still a vacant one coz I didn't want to wait and watch people. I sat first on the cot and a woman named Belinda smiled at me looking at my first donor sticker. She asked, How am I, I said and smiled, 'Ok...' She said, 'Don't worry it will just be fast. It won't feel that bad.' I know I can tolerate pain. It's just may be the sight of blood flowing out from my body that makes me nervous. She gave me this squeeze bar (like a stress ball shaped like a bar) and tighten a wrapping on my left arm first. She told me to squeeze it for her to identify the veins. And then repeated the procedure on my right arm. Eventually, my right arm was stronger thus producing larger veins for her to insert the needle. She told me to lie down, she cleaned the area where the needle will be inserted and then she inserted the needle. My blood is now flowing out from my body into one of those bags (and it doesn't really hurt). And then she told me, 'One bag saves 3 lives.'

After the bag has been filled, she took out the needle, put a cotton and asked me to hold my arm up for a short while. She then put a wrapping to cover and put pressure on my arm. Belinda told me to lie down still for a few more minutes. She even gave me an orange juice. After I think 10 mins, I was ready to sit up and she led me to the rest / canteen area. Someone also offered me a juice, I was a bit shy because I want to get it myself but they were too kind to get it for me. She also gave me cookies.

My appointment was 15 mins and it took me an hour and 15. It was a very fulfilling experience. I think I will do it again after 8 weeks.
posted @ 5:52 PM
Sunday, July 23, 2006
My 41K mark
I bought my very first car here in US with an almost 40,800 mileage. I use it everyday to go to work - 1 mile each way and on weekends and such for groceries and church. And now, I reached my 41K mark going to Kentucky.
Saturday was my first "long-drive" weekend. After registering our cars in DMV, we
drove 50 miles (like an hour) to Newport, Kentucky. And from Kentucky, we drove 76 miles (almost 1.5 hours) to Serpent Mound and then from there we tried to go to 7 caves but when we got there, it was already closed so we headed back home. So maybe another 100 miles from Serpent mound to 7 caves and back home.
(Well, having a bottle of beer helped me stay alert. Shhh...)
posted @ 10:40 PM
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Away from home
Tonight, we were invited to a despedida dinner of one of our Pinoy friends who stays just near our neighborhood. She's going back to our home sweet home from a 6-month stint here in Ohio. She's gonna leave her husband, temporarily (and geographically), who has an H1b visa but will come back in November. I couldn't help but think of how long-distance relationships work as well as living away from your family.
Being alone in a foreign land is not an easy thing. But knowing myself and base from experience, I can easily adapt to a new environment and I can also easily think of things that would 'entertain' me. Loneliness or sadness really depends on each individual. Surviving is difficult. As what they say in theme parks, 'Ride at your own risk....not for a weak heart...', is the same as living in a foreign land. If you're not decided - emotionally, heartfully and soulfully, then don't. Make sure to think of all the consequences over and over again. After all, this is your dream so make it happen, be strong! If you can't take or stand living away from your boyfriend, then either break up with him, or get married and go with him or follow as soon as you can (before he/she changes his/her mind).
Why do we leave our homeland? Despite leaving our family, our friends, our career... Those of us who leave our homeland or the "goose that lays golden eggs" to work and pursue our dreams is one of the most difficult occupations. Imagine, leaving everything behind but your values, talents, traditions, memories and hope that everything will work out as you've planned.
All pictures from
posted @ 9:41 PM
Stop and Start
I got this email from an old friend. Well, actually, he regularly sends these Thoughts of the day by Ralph Marston emails. At first, I ignored them, clicked them away to the trash. But one time, I got curious. Later on, I found myself reading them as if they're like my horoscopes for the day. I even created a Thoughts folder, so they go there and not to Trash anymore.
Anyhow, there's one thought of the day which I received just this Monday. It's about Stop and Start. Here it goes...
Stop making life so difficult and complicated by being afraid to fully live it. Start spending more time as the person you truly are.
Stop building elaborate scenarios in your mind about what might or might not happen. Start giving your focus and energy to making the most of the moment you're in.
Stop wishing that things had been different. Start seeing the real, positive value and experience you've gained from where you've been.
Stop being so obsessed by the things you don't have and constantly distracted by your desire for more. Start to fully appreciate your blessings and to enjoy the true abundance of always having enough.
Stop worrying and fretting over what others may think. Start confidently offering your own special values, gifts and perspectives to life.
Stop wasting your time wondering about what could have been. And start to discover for yourself the incredible wonders of what can be.And so I decide detailing and tailoring Ralph's Stop and Start to suit me.
Stop worrying too much about my immediate future, what my next project will be, where it will be, what my next work task will be, will I still have enough money. Start spending more time in researching and going to new places, exercising, reading books, trying out new recipes, doing household chores, playing outdoors with friends and neighbors, seeking out friends old and new, visit relatives.
Stop looking back and regretting. Start seeing what I have learned and how will I apply them on my present and future.
Stop being obsessed with material things that I don't have. Start counting my blessings, enjoy the true abundance of always having enough AND invest, invest, invest!
This I have to copy...Stop worrying and fretting over what others may think. Start confidently offering your own special values, gifts and perspectives to life. Every person has their own opinion. Every person has their own limitations. I am not a supernatural being who is capable of pleasing everybody. I am what I am. Start having the courage to give myself, for the goodness that I give will come back over and over again.
And this too...Stop wasting your time wondering about what could have been. And start to discover for myself the incredible wonders of what CAN be. Stop thinking of past relationships, life's what if's, "I could've-would've-should've"sss. Now is the time to take the steering wheel and drive my journey!Would you also like to create your Stop and Start? It's a good exercise.
posted @ 5:35 PM
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Life begins at 30
Yes, at some point, we have to admit that we are not getting any younger no matter how hard we try to stop the clock. Isn't it funny sometimes we think that when we were younger, we want to get older and now we are older, we want to go back to those days when we were younger.
When I was in early 20's, I was too caught up in living conservatively or traditionally. It's like I was living inside my cocoon, being controlled by mother nature. Later on, I was trying hard to control the time because I thought I was losing time and opportunities. I found myself doing things I never did when I was younger, because I hadn't had the courage or self-esteem or was too scared what others will think. I found myself going to a bar, eating in a restaurant or going to movies alone. When before, I would think everyone will be staring at me condescendingly. Then I realize nobody really cares who I am, or why I am alone, or how I'm dressed. And even if they do, it doesn't change anything on who I am. You just realized, there are more important things in the world and wished you had the maturity and experience back then.
Yes, life's more fun if you're thirty something...which is btw, what most women are saying according to a poll in UK. They are happier being a better mom, a better girlfriend or wife, a better friend, or a better career woman.
Rather than the big 3-0 being something that most people dread, over half of UK women (51%) in their twenties revealed that they can't wait to reach 30: and those who have passed the milestone are definitely more satisfied with their lives, the poll discovered.Let the party begin...
posted @ 9:17 PM