Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Be a Volunteer

I was looking at volunteer opportunites at Volunteer Match and was excited to find a volunteer org in Dayton. I hurriedly searched for a type of task that I had in mind.

Luckily, I found one that sounded fun plus close to my place. The Dayton Asian Cultural Festival featured cultures from China, India, Japan, Korea, Pakistan, Vietnam and of course, Philippines. The event started at 11am until 8pm but volunteers worked on shifts. They had volunteer jobs for information booth / t-shirt sales, raffle tickets, evaluations / interviews, etc. I decided to participate in selling beverages.

It seemed to be a perfect sunny day. The event was held at our town's library park. There were lots of people, mostly families from different races - walking, eating, watching performances, having fun. There were stalls set up around the place by the different featured Asian countries.

It was really fun doing the job (especially meeting new friends), until our hands got hurt from the very cold ice water on the tub. There were lots of times that we have to dig in to get those 'hard-to-find' cans of sodas. Aarrghh! My hands and arms got red and numb. Hahaha!

After our shift, we grabbed some Indian food. I was about to leave when I remembered I have to go to the Philippines stall. Of course, how can I forget! They served lumpia, pancit and adobo. They were also selling other things like accessories and other hand-made stuff.

While walking back to my car, I felt fulfilled again for another check on my To-do list. I've been doing virtual volunteer jobs already but it's really more fun helping in person. Can't wait for the next time.

posted @ 7:27 PM | 0 comments


Friday, August 18, 2006

Money and happiness...

are they related? For me? Of course they do.

Let's try to be realistic. Are you worried on being able to pay your monthly bills? Paying off your credit cards? Going to your well-deserved vacation? Or even spending gifts to your loved ones? Or giving your child the best education that he/she could possibly have? Or if you're a student, aren't you studying to be able to earn money and fulfill your ambitions or goals?

You will not be happy if you can't afford to pay your bills. Neither be happy if you can't give a gift to your love one without thinking if you can afford it. Neither be happy not giving your child what is best for him/her. Well, maybe happy for a short-time treating your friends with a round of shot or two in a bar. Maybe happy for a short-time having a vacation using your credit card (which btw, should not be treated as an additional income, ok?). But when reality sinks in, or when the party's over, you stop and think, can I afford to pay all these?

We are now working to earn money. Why? To live? To buy what we like, want, need, or probably, to have that feeling of accomplishment? To have that feeling of satisfaction that we bought this car, house or wedding with our hard-owned money?

I've read so many articles of people (even myself) living paycheck to paycheck (and I hope I won't be in that situation again). I remember, graphically, while we were going down the stairs of the LRT's Vito Cruz station to DLSU, during the first enrollment day of my college, my mom was telling me, 'Live within your means'. She knew that I'll be surrounded with wealthy students and there'll be temptations or tendencies for me to get jealous of them having all these material things they own or could afford. These words guided me through these years. What's better than that saying is, or Rich dad's, 'Live BELOW your means', which means having money for what's important to you and the freedom to do the things you want to do.

There are a lot of very interesting articles on the internet on money matters. One of my favorites is Suze Orman's. She'll tell you practically every advice and tips from how to save and manage money, investing, relationships or love and money, to planning your retirement. Rich dad tells us to 'Pay yourself first', which means, setting up an automatic withdrawal from your account or paycheck and put in your savings.

No matter who's advice we choose to take, we should realize the value of money and we'll definitely go a long way, even farther to pass it to our love ones who'll we be leaving behind. It's definitely ok to spend once in a while to treat yourself to shopping, parties and other luxuries. Yes, we know that when we work hard, we also party harder. And we should live life to it's fullest, every day. Life is too short to worry about money. But we should also learn how to balance our pleasures and sacrifices. Could we honestly say that if we die today, will our loved ones be happy with all the debts we are leaving them behind?

posted @ 10:57 PM | 0 comments


Book Tag

1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the next 3 sentences on your blog along with these instructions.
5. Don’t you dare dig for that "cool" or "intellectual" book in your closet! I know you were thinking about it! Just pick up whatever is closest.
6. Tag three people.

"Did we Did you ever come to the pier?" "No," she said.
- p. 123, The five people you meet in heaven by Mitch Albom

>> Thanks for the tag. I've finally started reading the book :)

I'm tagging the rest of the fab girlfriends hehehe!

posted @ 9:30 PM | 0 comments


Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Life's blessings

Life's blessings are the people you encounter, who've touched you in more than a million ways. Thank you God for letting me experience how wonderful life is through these people. Thank you for mom, dad and my brother.

Thank you Moyskie and Labsie. My ninong who helped me purchased my wonderful car, who didn't give any second-thoughts in helping me. You're very generous and helpful. You have been amazing companions and friends. Wish you didn't have to leave the project this soon. Thank you for always keeping in touch.

Thank you Dr House for keeping me "sane" during those very difficult times. For all those therapy sessions we had. Thank you for unselfishly spending your time and 'energy' with me.

Thank you Dodie for being the best, for being one-of-a-kind. For helping me with my work, in making my site more "cool", for those sleepless nights, for always being there for me, for always being patient with me.

Thank you Mark for visiting us and for helping us during the times when we're settling down. Thank you Rico for the patience in driving us and helping us get our licenses. Thank you Cecile for always accomodating us to your house, for the wonderful dishes and for letting me watch Piolo on the internet haha!

Thank you Lay for not leaving my side during those times that I was there. For our long conversations. You are one of my inspirations here in US. I haven't told you that yet but I really admire your courage and willpower.

Thank you Beenr, who had been the love of my life. Who have done everything and anything that he can for me, through thick and thin. I will always be your friend. I will always cherish your family. They've been so nice to me. Tony was a wonderful dad and friend.

Thank you Mr and Mrs Beutenmuller for the wonderful vacation in Florida. It was too short, I know. Monica, my "eternal" friend (thanks for the ring). You are such an amazing friend. Life is never dull with you around. James is so lucky to have you. Thank you, Tita for your generosity and your sumptuous Pinoy dishes. Sana dyan na lang ako nakatira hehehe! Joan, I remember what you said, something like, "Our home is your home." Thanks again for giving me yet another wonderful blessing...a WEST PALM BEACH VACATION!

More pics...

posted @ 6:47 PM | 2 comments
